Thursday, December 29, 2011

RE: New Year

As the New Year rapidly approaches and the current year gracefully wanes, people will be looking forward to creating  New Year's resolutions.  But Tone and I would ask that you refrain from coming up with resolutions and to take time setting attainable goals and doing some other RE words; reflect, re-evaluate and restore.  These 3 ultimately will lead to resolution, but it can also help resolve issues that you still may think are open issues, but really aren't. 

1. Reflect
Think back to January 1, 2011.  What have you done since then? Write it all down, so you can reflect effectively.  Have you grown?  Do you see improvement?  Did you do what you said you would do?  If you haven't, you still have the coming year to add it to your "to do" list.  When you reflect, make sure that you are focusing on the positive.  Don't focus so much on the negative.  Do not discount the negative if it was part of your year, but learn from it.  Don't dwell on it.  Move on from there and know there is so much more ahead for you.
2. Re-evaluate
The negative things that may have happened had reasons.  Think about the cause and reevaluate if you need to deal with those same issues this year.  Do you want to bring in the new year the same way?  Do you need the same people in your life?  and if so, do you need them so close to you?  Rethink the way you handled certain situations?  Could you have handled them better?  or Did you do the right thing?  if you believe you have done things correctly then make no changes.  Continue on the path that you have been on.  It seems to be working for you.
3. Restore
Bring yourself back to the days of your youth.  Learn to take care of yourself; mind, body and spirit.  The bible tells us to "be transformed by the renewing of our mind" (rom 12:2) it also asks us "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit...?" (1cor 6:19) and gives us the command to" be renewed in the spirit of your mind" (eph 4:23), so that lets us know that we need to take care of ourselves.  Bring restoration to your life, so that you can accomplish the goals that you set for the new year.  There is no use setting goals if you haven't taken care of yourself because you won't be able to enjoy your accomplishments. 

So, you will resolve some things in the new year, thus resulting in a resolution.  But let's set goals and leave the resolving for our achievements to take care of.

Be Blessed

Really Mo

1 comment:

  1. That is exactly what happens in friendships! It's good to take time to reflect, re-evaluate, and resolve things in order to move forward!

    Happy New Year!
