Sunday, December 4, 2011

Spiritual Compass

One of the main things that has kept us as friends is that we have allowed one another time and space to grow, search and appreciate the other.   At different times in our lives we were pulled away either by distance, mutual agreement or a preoccupation with other relationships.  Although we saw each other everyday when we first began our friendship (in seventh grade) and even today, it hasn't always been that way.  Life has brought us both on separate paths that didn't always include the other person.  But, we would always stay in touch and make sure we "checked in".  Whether it was just an "I was thinking about you today" (usually Tone) or "Can you do me a favor?" (usually me), we always managed to keep the other in the "loop" and always had a "word" to keep us grounded. 

In 9th and 10th grade, we lived in separate cities (Milwaukee and Hartford).  We spoke on the phone and wrote letters, but it wasn't the same.  When you're in high school out of sight is out of mind.  Tone eventually moved back to CT and we picked up right where we left off.  We both had gone through our own transformation periods and we were able to share our experiences. 

During college, we were roommates, but we both began to choose different paths.  Tone didn't always agree with some of the decisions I made or the people I chose to hang out with, so she would keep her distance and I would give her that space.  I also didn't always feel comfortable around certain individuals she chose to hang out with because I wanted to be me without reservation.  So we agreed to disagree when it came to certain people and situations.  We communicated a little less and for a time after this we really chose different lifestyles altogether.  It was truly a learning experience for us both about who we were as individuals and who we were becoming in this world.

After I got engaged in 2000, I called her and asked her to be my Matron of Honor (she was already married) because although I had new "friends" and associates, I felt there was no one who could appreciate the responsibility of the position more than her.  She was surprised because I had kept her far away from where I was at that time (physically and spiritually), but she still accepted and stepped up, just like it was 1986.  After the wedding, I moved to Philly from 2001 to 2006.  We talked on the phone every now and then and we even visited one another.  We were always excited to hear from each other because we were adults and so much was going on that was similar that we always had something to talk about.  

When I moved back she was one of the only people that did not question my choice, but she offered encouraging  words, advice and SCRIPTURE. And when she made a difficult choice that everyone else questioned, I also offered encouraging words, advice and SCRIPTURE.

The moral of the story is: When life takes you and your friend in separate directions, make sure you have a spiritual compass that can always lead you back to the right direction.

Be Blessed 
Really Mo