Monday, December 5, 2011

What's It All About???

Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons.  There is a popular saying, "People are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime".  The funny thing is that each of these are true for Mo and I.

We have certainly been in each other's lives for reasons.  There have been specific times when either of us needed something that the other could deliver... humor, guidance, or even encouragement to "get in your car, Tone and drive home" when I wanted to defend myself:)  (I didn't want her to say that, I even thought she would say the opposite which is why I called HER!)  But God has a way of making us look back and laugh.

There have been many seasons in our friendship.  I like to look at them as Middle School, High School, College, and Beyond!

Middle School, we couldn't be closer!  This was our opportunity to lay the foundation.  We got to know each other before we completely knew ourselves.  So, I learned about her while I was learning about myself.  This is when we LIVED in two homes, hers and mine.  Our mothers were so good about supporting our friendship, Mo being the only girl, and me the youngest of two girls in the home.  While we had plenty of older cousins and family, Mo and I were together almost all the time...  All day in school, and then after school we went to either of our homes.  Here is when we became Salt N Pepa!  The music was important, the times were important, our education was important, and we grew together.

High school, I moved to Milwaukee mid-year, and this was our first seasonal experience.  We still communicated, but we were young.  This is where it was a struggle to maintain communication.  BUT WE DID.  I moved back to Connecticut, but we were still at different high schools.  She was even my junior prom "date" (because my boyfriend made me mad!)When I was looking at colleges, I told Mo about where I applied, and I think I told her to come with me...  (But of course I can't remember:)  Nonethless, she applied and off to college we went! 

College was going to be exciting, fun, adventurous, and more!  We were Salt N Pepa back together again!  But this time, it was more interesting.  We weren't kids anymore.  We were GROWN, 18 years old!  We found it wasn't as easy as we thought...  It wasn't bad, just not always easy...  Try living with another person... Get it???  We had the chance to find out we weren't exactly the same, different interests, different hobbies, and so we gave each other the chance to explore those things.

These have been seasons in our lives that others would have just accepted the relationship to be a distant memory.  But there is a reason for the seasons of our lives.  Get it?  It was divine order that allowed us to take time when we hurt each other, to allow each other the freedom to be who we are, to laugh with and at each other, and this, has allowed us to be friends for a lifetime!


  1. Awesome! This really is a cool blog!

  2. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your life lessons, it is very moving and inspirational.
