Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Time waits for no man (or woman)

Like with any relationship, a friendship needs time to be nurtured.  If you are a true friend you have to make time for one another to show that you care.  It doesn't have to be everyday, every week or every month, but you have to make an effort to show that you are still thinking of your friend and you want he/she to be in your life.

I have always been a person who likes to do things in my own time, but I now realize that, that is selfish.  Every relationship you have is a give and take.  Its not always you taking when you want to.  You have to give a little bit too.  And part of the giving is including, your time.   You have to think about your friend and remember how you became friends in the first place.  More than likely, it was a great amount of time that you guys spent together to be able to find out about one another and were able to establish that bond.  As time goes on, we get older and our commitments change.  We may not be able to do the same things we did when we were younger, but you can learn to do new things together.  And again, I'm talking about a friendship, but this goes for any relationship.

When the dynamics of your life change, you just figure out how you can modify your actions to include those that mean something to you.  It is not necessary to cut people out simply because you don't have time.  You can make adjustments.  Include your friend's family in on your family events.  Ask if she and her spouse (or he and his spouse) would like to go out with you and yours.  It may develop a relationship between the spouses, between the people you love and also between you and their spouse.  You never know.  But when you choose to make time and be inclusive of others, you definitely will accomplish the goal of letting people know that you care and that you do want them in your life in some way.

So, the moral of this post is:  to keep any relationship, you need to spend time with one another.  And in doing so, you just might make new friends.

Be Blessed

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