Sunday, December 11, 2011

Joy and Laughter

Tone talked about our love of laughter; and there is nothing else that could possibly describe us more than laughter, especially when we are together.  Sometimes I feel like we are a tag team of comedic expression because of the things that happen to us and in front of us.  It's almost like God is saying, I know who would appreciate the humor in this situation; let me allow Tonish and Monique to see it, hear it or experience it. 

You wouldn't believe the things that happen to us on a daily basis.  We both are like, "really?  This can't be real.  I know I'm being punked" and instead of us getting all bent out of shape about the things we may not find funny initially, we kinda just let it roll off our shoulders and look for the latest reason to laugh.  A lot of people would probably get angry and bitter, but we have learned to embrace the situation, laugh about it and move on.  That's all you Can do sometimes.  It makes life so much easier.

I can tell when we are in certain places, it drives people crazy because we laugh so much. But its just who we are from the core.  We're not being obnoxious when we're laughing, but we seem to have found a commonality in joy.  I can almost guarantee that every conversation we have there is going to be laughter.  Even serious situations gets us laughing.

I've noticed that we both laugh when we're nervous, when we make mistakes (almost as if we're laughing at ourselves) and also when we don't know what else to do.  Don't get me wrong, we're not going around all day guffawing at everything we see like two goof balls.  I think what it is, is that we enjoy each other's presence, we enjoy all the moments life itself has to offer and we enjoy being happy. 

Do we have moments of sadness, fear, anger or pain?  Yes.  Do we "live" in any of those moments?  No.  Why?  Because living life is too much fun and we've decided to exhibit joy even in our worse moments.

Be Blessed
Really Mo

1 comment:

  1. Mo, you have taught me how to laugh more! Thanks!
